Between 2002 and 2011 I worked for Sleepycat Software (acquired in 2006 by
Oracle Corporation). When I joined Sleepycat we authored Berkeley DB (aka "BDB"
and installed on most UNIX systems at /usr/lib/db.a
), and Berkeley DB XML (an
XQuery/XPath storage layer on top of BDB). I was an engineer, but also tasked
with "product management," which could mean any number of things but for me at
that time, it was about attempting to match a software product with market
demands. It was clear that SQLite would eat our lunch in
the market of an "embeddable database engine" (and it did! but that's a story
for a different post). So, as any good engineer would, I set about to fix this
myself single-handedly while living aboard a sailboat in Boston Harbor,
on Commercial Wharf, during the Winter of 2007.
Margo Seltzer and Keith Bostic are amazing programmers and thoughtful people. What I saw in the Berkeley DB code was a model for beautiful C code. Code that would compile as ANSI C and K&R. Code that had tooling for ensuring consistency. Code that I admired and learned a great deal from over the years.
Dr Richard Hipp has a different style for C programming, one that is just as good as anyone else's. One that fits him, but is entirely different from what I'd seen in Berkeley DB, *BSD, or even GNU projects like GCC. That's something interesting about C programming -- style is up to the programmer, the compiler is ambiguous to human differences of opinion.
I wanted Sleepycat to have a SQL layer on top of Berkeley DB, but I wanted to do it in a way that Keith and Margo and the rest of the team would admire and be willing to add to the set of supported products we offered to our customers. An answer to everyone asking, "where's your SQL API"?
So, I translated/rewrote(?) all the code line by line from one style to another. I changed naming conventions. I added supporting scripts. I changed the build system to Autoconf. Day and night, weekends, I toiled away in the boat pushing myself to remold something into something else but operationally the same. And I did it. I created dbsql, a complete re-write of SQLite on top of Berkeley DB but and in the style more akin to Berkeley DB programmers yet entirely the same functionality as SQLite.
"What makes it better, certainly you didn't just do this because you liked the coding style of Sleepycat more than SQLite, tell me there's more to this insanity!?" -- said everyone at this point.
Yes, yes there is. Back then SQLite's storage layer was... well, it was early
days. These days it's great, for purpose, but still lacks a lot of the features
of Berkeley DB. With Berkeley DB it's easy to BEGIN TXN
, do work over key/value
pairs even in different databases, different access methods and more, then invoke
and have it work. Which is a tricky thing to get
right. We'd spent years digging into the guts of filesystems, disk controller
hardware, different physical storage media, cache controllers, operating systems
nuances, and much more finding corner cases and carefully writing code to
protect data from unrecoverable corruption regardless of the situation. We
built a system that had a proper write-ahead log (WAL) with ARES
recovery for
transaction processing. No other open source product has that level of
sophistication, even today. More than that, Berkeley DB isn't just a
BTREE it is also a hash
table (HASH), a record set (RECNO), and a queue (QUEUE). There were other
features too like secondary indexes and sequence generation that were obviously
useful for relational databases. I had plans to use these features where it
made sense. So, there's a lot of tools in the tool box, mature tools, tested
tools proven in the field by demanding customers. It's true that MySQL had for
a long time a Berkeley DB storage engine mapping when MyISAM was the only other
choice, but later with INNODB it was hardly used. But there was at least one
existence proof showing that BDB as a storage engine for an RDBMS works.
Berkeley DB had just released a major new feature, "High Availability" (HA), or replication. BDB/HA was the major feature of 4.x (3.x was transactions) and at that time the only game in town for replicated RDBMS/SQL databases was Oracle's RAC, an expensive and difficult solution. If Sleepycat had a product with a SQL API and some form of replication, that should sell. BDB/HA provides a strongly consistent set of replicas for read-only access with a single-master for writes. Replicas apply log records to their local databases using standard ARES recovery code, replicas could share these logs between peers taking pressure off the master. BDB/HA is a CP or PC/EC distributed system with PAXOS leader election. At that time in Sleepycat's history we had a number of real customers (Google, Steam, etc.) using our HA feature forcing us to ensure that it was bullet proof under extreme conditions. BDB's BTREE was better than SQLite's but also I wanted to showcase other features and have fun along the way. Exciting, to say the least, and possibly a way to extend our market reach. Was it perfect? No. But, it had legs and so I committed myself to making it something we could consider selling.
Long story short, while Margo and Keith fully appreciated my work and the idea they found fault in my approach. They doubted the idea. It wilted, and died on the vine and such is history. We, Sleepycat, acquired by Oracle had new priorties. Eventually at Oracle I connected with the Oracle Lite team and learned about their obligations to companies and governments and their distain for their own codebase. I offered up a new idea, well really an old idea remade. I brokered a deal with SQLite via Dr. Hipp to build a way that Berkeley DB could be a storage engine for it much like MySQL. SQLite wouldn't change much, it would have an abstract storage layer and Berkely DB would be an engine for SQLite. This happened, it's called Berkeley DB SQL, but it had limited appeal within Oracle and almost no market adoption because of it's limited scope.
Now, nearly 20 years later, SQLite is insanely popular and has been actively developed and updated. What I say about SQLite in this article has to do with the version of that code back in 2009, not today. A lot has happened within the SQLite codebase, over 5,000 commits since that crazy Winter on my Hans Christian 42. What's clear is that we, Sleepycat, made a mistake. We should have gone all in on a "SQL API" years ago. I'm not sure we'd have won out against SQLite had we done that, our corporate personality was different than their's and maybe that was their greatest strength. They adapted, they focused on customer needs and kept it simple. And they won.
But this post is about my win. My work that Winter was awesome, and I am proud of it. I hope someone else spots it and learns something, or finds it useful, or just reaches out to say hi.